Siskiyou Springs

Assisted Living & Memory Care

Welcome to Siskiyou Springs Senior Living.

There are good reasons our residents and their families have chosen Siskiyou Springs Senior Living to call home. Our caring and personalized support for the health and well-being of our residents guides us each day. Located in beautiful Yreka, California, our inviting Assisted Living and Memory Care offers an enriching and peaceful retreat.

Our community is made up of seventy-two private studios and one-bedroom apartments with 24 hours personalized support for residents health and well-being. Our beautiful grounds and central location make Siskiyou Springs a beautiful, safe and secure environment for residents to enjoy walks, visiting family members and just relaxing. Come visit us today!


Contact Us

351 Bruce St.
Yreka, CA 96097
(530) 842-4300


“Your life is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life.”

— Khalil Gibran